Category: Annual Meeting

  • Steamboat Era Museum Elects New Board Members

    Steamboat Era Museum Elects New Board Members

    The Steamboat Era Museum held its 2019 Annual meeting on June 22. Members and guests explored the new exhibits in the museum including an interactive exhibit about Captain Bayton, an African-American steamboat captain/owner and a new display of the museum’s oral histories. Attendees were amazed by the 7 foot x 10 ft American flag which was the last flag to fly on the Potomac. In addition, new to the museum, are exhibits about Weems, Va, a sleepy town until steamboat brought prosperity and business and the Dameron Brothers who, because of steamboat, had a very successful country store and cannery. The Dameron family wedding dress first worn by the bride of Oscar Dameron in 1902 and then by three future generations is also on display.

    And most importantly, many attendees got their first view of the Potomac Pilothouse, the central exhibit of the museum.

    Anne McClintock, a founder of the museum and granddaughter of Archie Long, the longest serving captain of the steamer Potomac, told the group that the installation of the Pilothouse was a longtime in coming and a dream come true for her and many others, some who are no longer with us but were instrumental in the founding of the museum.

    Barbara Brecher, Executive Director, gave highlights of the 2018 season. The highly anticipated arrival of the Pilothouse was the basis for exhibits in 2018. “Pardon Our Mess as We Prepare to Pilot the Potomac Home” was the theme for 2018 and visitors watched as walls were removed and remained unpainted, caution tape covered parts of the floor and a cardboard structure was built to indicate the space the Pilothouse would occupy upon its installation.

    Attendance at the museum in 2018 was up from previous seasons and fundraising efforts for the Pilothouse and museum were successful. Brecher also thanked the community and board of directors for their support and trust in the Pilothouse project and the design and execution of all new exhibits for the museum. In addition Michael Geissinger, board members Jim Ward and Fred Pevahouse as well as the museum’s Administrative assistant Candee Pevahouse were singled out for their extensive research and time they gave to make the new exhibits a reality.

    Nancy Travers, outgoing board president, introduced the museum’s board and thanked them for their work. She also thanked outgoing board members Vicky Oliver and Randall Kipp. Travers then announced the new board members. Marshall Orr, a longtime museum supporter, Margery Nea, the grand-daughter of Oscar Dameron and Mary Ann McKay, chair of children’s activities at the museum were nominated. After a second and vote from the members they were welcomed as the museum’s newest members. Following the formal meeting, the board of directors elected new officers including Mary Cay Bradley, President, Frederick Pevahouse, Vice-President, Jim Ward, Treasurer and Carter Bonner, Secretary.

    Attendees stayed after the meeting to visit and view the exhibits. They enjoyed a light supper provided by Jill and Larry Worth.

    Photo 1. Anne McClintock addresses the group at the museum’s 2019 annual meeting
    Photo by: Michael Geissinger

    Photo 2. Annual meeting attendees visit and view the new exhibits at the museum.
    Photo by: Michael Geissinger