A Successful Open House at the Steamboat Era Museum

A steady stream of visitors came to the museum last Sunday to preview new exhibits planned for the 2019 season. A presentation about the progess of the restoration of the Potomac Pilothouse was shown.

In addition to the installation of the Pilothouse, 22 new exhibits are planned for the upcoming season. Visitors will hear Captain Hansford Bayton tell his story as an African American steamboat owner/captain, learn about the history of Weems and the Dameron family who helped build the economy of the town, and will be amazed at the 10ft x 7 ft flag that last flew on the Steamer Potomac.

Open house attendees supported the museum by donating more then $10,000 to individual exhibits to honor or memorialize friends and family. If you are interested in supporting a specific exhibit please call 438-6888 or email [email protected] for more information.

Candance Pevahouse (right), Administrative Assistant at the Museum, introduces a group of visitors to the plans for the interactive exhibit Against the Tide: The Astonishing Life of Hansford Bayton. Through visuals and sound visitors will learn about the life and times of Hansford Bayton, a local African American steamboat owner/captain during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Photo by Michael Geissinger